Northwave FAST H2O Shoe Covers

Northwave FAST H2O Shoe Covers
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From our bestselling H2O shoecover we have developed a new super stretchy model with no rear zip to increase comfort and water resistance
It is easy to put on: just slip it on before the shoe and adapt it once you have adjusted the shoe fit. FAST H2O has a seamless fit that makes it adherent like a second skin, preventing infiltration and increasing aerodynamics. Fully thermo-taped
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From our bestselling H2O shoecover we have developed a new super stretchy model with no rear zip to increase comfort and water resistance
It is easy to put on: just slip it on before the shoe and adapt it once you have adjusted the shoe fit. FAST H2O has a seamless fit that makes it adherent like a second skin, preventing infiltration and increasing aerodynamics. Fully thermo-taped
Addictional reflective logo increases visibility increase visibility during your training