Morgan Blue Bike Cleaning Glove

Tootekood: 04TLMB149
Saatavuus: kaupassa (Saku 3, Tallinna)
Mikrofiibrist kiududega pesukinnas, mis sobib nii ratta kui auto pesemiseks - nt Morgan Blue Bike Wash pesuainega. Võrreldes tavalise pesusvammiga tagab selline pesukinnas parema ligipääsetavuse raami erinevatele osadele ja seega puhtama tulemuse, seejuures raami kriimustamata. Masinpestav. This cleaning glove is made of microfibre, which are on both sides of the glove. Use for an easy and fast cleaning of your bike, without scratching the frame. After use you can wash the glove in the washing machine. The Morgan Blue Bike Cleaning Glove is actually a wash mitt that you insert your hand intο for the ultimate performance during professional cleaning of a frameset. The mitt features a nylon base with many tailbands attached which hold soapy water. These soft and almost luxurious tailbands with not scratch or harm expensive framesets and components. Beyond this, a mitt/glove style product provides the most amount of control you can get to agitate and remove dirt and debris to make your bike shine. The wrist of the mitt has an elastic logo band that keeps the mitt on your hand during aggressive cleaning sessions. Beyond being a perfected cleaning product, it is branded in blue to match the rest of the Morgan Blue products in the range. Perfect addition to any professional, prosumer or basic home shop and a great value to boot. Features Professional wash mitt/glove Soft and non-damaging tailbands Knitted elastic wrist band Professional cleaning tool A must for any professional or passionate consumer