Kids nordic skates ZANDSTRA EASY GLIDER

Kids nordic skates ZANDSTRA EASY GLIDER
Some specifications of the Easy Glider are:
1. Stainless Spring Steel with a hardness of 45 Rc.
2. Standard radius of 35 M. Ideal for beginners.
3. Blade is 1.7MM thick.
4. Nylon frame is 50% wider than other strap-on skates.
5. The straps make it easier to fasten the skates quickly.
6. The straps can be tightened after a few minutes of skating.
7. The heel binding has a soft protection strap.
8. The back of the Easy Glider is safe. No injuries by falling.
9. The frame is made of technical Nylon. Zytel 501 S.T.
Võimalikud lisad:
ZANDSTRA-190 abiterad tasakaalu hoidmiseks (paar) 10 €
ZANDSTRA-185 pikendusrihmad (paar) 5 €
NB! Rooste tekkimise vältimiseks kuivatage peale kasutamist uisuterad.