Shimano STEPS EW-EN100 Junction-A ANT/Bluetooth LE
Shimano STEPS EW-EN100 Junction-A ANT/Bluetooth LE
If you prefer a clean cockpit look on your e-bike, the Shimano Steps connection unit EW-EN100 Junction-A is the ideal solution. It replaces the display on the handlebars, the Steps system is controlled via smartphone app or a third party device.
Connect your e-bike to your smartphone: with the Shimano Steps EW-EN100 Junction-A
The connection is made wirelessly via Bluetooth®LE or ANT. The flexible connection unit can also be used stand-alone, as the support modes and the light can be adjusted. Two LEDs indicate the current support mode, battery charge status or error messages. The unit is simply attached to the shift or brake sleeve.
Compatibility - Shimano EW-EN100 Junction-A
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Product features
Connection unit with 2 E-Tube connectors
With control button for support modes and light, LED indicator
Wireless communication with third-party displays and smartphone apps
E-TUBE PROJECT offers total support for cycling lifestyles
Expanded communication by wireless connectivity (ANT private/, Bluetooth®LE)
Minimum display option for a simpler cockpit
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