Northwave FAST POLAR SP Bib Tights

PRO taseme suurepärase termoregulatsiooniga rattapüksid temperatuurideks -5/+10°C (SP - ЅELECTIVE PROTECTION). Esiosa tuule- ja veekindla POLARTEC® WIND PRO® + DWR töötlusega maksimaalse hingavuse ja venivusega kangast. Helkurdetailid säärtel. EXPLORER pehmendus.
POLARTEC on sünteetilistest kiududest fliisi (1981), softshelli (1998) jpt revolutsiooniliste tehniliste kangaste looja. Nende kangaid kasutavad kümned õueriietuse tootjad oma tippmudelites. vt täpsemalt www.polartec.com/about
The new FAST POLAR bibtights have been created to protect you from cold, wind, splashes and rain, ensuring excellent insulation, greater comfort and breathability.
The front panels are in POLARTEC® WIND PRO® with DWR treatment, in order to protect the body from the impact of the wind and air. This, thanks to thermal air pockets that keep the heat inside, without the aid of a laminated membrane.
The POLARTEC® HARDFACE® treatment increases resistance and protects from atmospheric agents without compromising the softness and breathability of the fabric.
The lower part of the bibtights is in a two-way stretch fabric, soft and brushed for excellent comfort on the skin. The EXPLORER Northwave pad with different densities, guarantees excellent performances following you in the movements in long and medium distances.
Reflective details at bottom leg for higher visibility.