Suusakepi pikkus:

23/24 hooajast REDSTER WC QRS nime kandev kõrge süsinikusisaldusega ülikerge ja jäik suusakepp. M suuruses kerged võistsluskulbid, QRS kiirkinnitusega mugav rihm, korkkäepide, vastupidav tera. KIT - nö vabamõõdus lahtiste käpidemetega. Kepid lõigatakse täpselt soovitud mõõtu ja käepidemed liimitakse külge.
WEIGHT 125g /150cm , 170cm KIT x2 = 340g
SHAFT 6★ Carbon Pole Technology (3-6 skaalal) 16/10 mm
GRIP QRS - Quick Release System, QRS Nordic Cork Grip (2K) 16mm
STRAP Power Strap Lite
BASKET Racing Basket, Size M, Red 10mm
TIP Wolfram Tip
The Atomic Redster Ultra QRS is Atomic´s best cross-country ski pole.
Because every gram less is important in the race, its shaft has been equipped with 6 carbon cross-country ski pole technology. This makes the pole extremely stable, but at the same time so light that you hardly feel it on your wrist.
There are also QRS (Quick Release Safety System) for the strap, a cork grip and the Power Strap Lite from Atomic for optimal Stop.
In addition, a racing basket and a high-quality tungsten tip for unparalleled robustness. More lightness, stability, efficiency and power transmission is not possible.
WEIGHT 125g /150cm , 170cm KIT x2 = 340g
SHAFT 6★ Carbon Pole Technology (3-6 skaalal) 16/10 mm
GRIP QRS - Quick Release System, QRS Nordic Cork Grip (2K) 16mm
STRAP Power Strap Lite
BASKET Racing Basket, Size M, Red 10mm
TIP Wolfram Tip
The Atomic Redster Ultra QRS is Atomic´s best cross-country ski pole.
Because every gram less is important in the race, its shaft has been equipped with 6 carbon cross-country ski pole technology. This makes the pole extremely stable, but at the same time so light that you hardly feel it on your wrist.
There are also QRS (Quick Release Safety System) for the strap, a cork grip and the Power Strap Lite from Atomic for optimal Stop.
In addition, a racing basket and a high-quality tungsten tip for unparalleled robustness. More lightness, stability, efficiency and power transmission is not possible.