Sisekumm TUBOLITO S-CX/GRAVEL 700x30/47MM FV/PV 42mm DISC 35g

Tootekood: 33000054
Saadavus: poes (Saku 3, Tallinn)
Sisekumm TUBOLITO S-CX/GRAVEL 700x30/47MM FV/PV 42mm DISC 35g
ÜLIKERGE. TUGEV. ÜLIKOMPAKTNE Kaal 35g = maailma kergeim ja väikseim CX/GRAVEL sisekumm. Tavakummid 100-150g. Tubolito on tehtud termoplastist, mille õhupidavus on samaväärne tavakummiga ehk hoiab kordades paremini õhku kui lateks olles samas nendest kordi vastupidavamad, kordi kergemad. Ainult veeretakistus on lateksil natuke väiksem. Kombinatsioonis kerge väliskummiga võite võita kaalus enam kui -100g jooksu kohta ka võrreldes tubless kummidega kuna TLR kummid kaaluvad ise +100g rohkem, piim 50g, pluss spets ventiil ja ekstra pöiapael. Mitte TLR väliskummid on ka natuke soodsamad. Tubolito sisekummid 2x 30€ = 60€ vs tubless´iks tegemine samuti ca 60€ paar. Boonuseks kordi väiksem ajakulu kummide vahetamisel ja korrashoiule. Sobivad kasutamiseks ka miinuskraadidega. Toodetud Austrias. NB! S-TUBO seeria mõeldud ainult ketaspiduritega jooksudele (kuna ei pruugi taluda pöiapidurite tekitavat kuumust). MAX RÕHK: 8 BAR/115 PSI, ilma väliskummita 0,5 BAR Üks sama sisekumm ei ole mõeldud kasutamiseks erineva suurusega väliskummidega, eriti suuremalt väiksemale vahetamine kuna peale rõhu all olekut ei muutu enam väiksemaks. perfect CX/Gravel spare tube can also be used for daily rides lightest CX/Gravel tubes worldwide can be used in 700C and 650B tires compatible with disc brakes same strength as a standard tube low rolling resistance perfect spare tube (also for tubeless setups) - super comapct Not only spare: developed to fit in any small pocket, 35 grams lightweight S-Tubo-CX/Gravel All due to its very small packing size is the ideal spare tube for all 700C and 650B tires from 30 mm-47 mm width. However, it is not only a savior in need but can be perfectly used on a daily basis as it is still as robust as standard rubber tubes. Leftovers of tubeless liquids do not do any harm to it. Given its low rolling resistance it can also be the decisive advantage at competitions. Available with 42 mm (35 grams) and 60 mm (36 grams) Presta valves and suitable for disc brakes only. Tube Material: thermoplastic elastomeer (TPU) Max presure: up to 8 bar/115 PSI. NB! Outside the tyre your tubolito hose should never be filled with a pressure above 0.5 bar. Otherwise, there is a risk that the tubolito will overstretch or burst. Do not remove tubes and use them in differently sized tyres. For example we do not recommend that you use a tube in a 28mm road tire and then mount this same tube in a 22mm wide tire. The tube has a plastic deformation, meaning that it does not go back to its original shape after inflating in the tire. Võrdluseks MAXXIS ULTRALIGHT 0.6mm 700x33/50 PV 48mm ~100g MAXXIS WELTERWEIGHT 0.8mm 700x35/45 PV ~127g CST 700x35/42C FV 48mm ~150g