
PRO seeria talvine POLARTEC ALPHA vooderdusega külma ja tuulekindel ning vetthülgav (DWR), ent seejuures hästi hingav, kerge ja kompaktseks kokkupakitav rattajakk temperatuurideks -5/+15°C. Kasutatav nii välimise kui vahekihina talvel.
POLARTEC on sünteetilistest kiududest fliisi (1981), softshelli (1998) jpt revolutsiooniliste tehniliste kangaste looja. ALPHA loodi US Special Forces tellimusel 2012 ning tänasel hetkel kasutavad seda kümned õueriietuse tootjad oma tippmudelites jaehinnaga 200+€. vt www.polartec.com/about
The Northwave Lab R&D department and Polartec® together, developed what was missing for the next season in your wardrobe.
EXTREME POLAR Jacket is a light, insulated and breathable jacket. A must have for the cold and windy rides. A new concept made in Polartec® Alpha® direct (recycled), capable of guaranteeing warm and superior breathability and transferring excessive body warmth and moisture outside, providing major comfort during your activity. A technology made possible thanks to the Polartec Alpha® structure linked together to a soul in solid net.
Extra protection is given by the elastic inserts (DWR treatment) in the areas where more flexibility is needed.
Extreme Polar Jacket is extremely packable and therefor easy to be carried in your backpack or luggage.
3 back pockets.
Full reflective iridescent rim at bottom and on the logo.