Joogivöö Fischer HYDRATION WAISTBAG PRO 1.5L imemistoruga
Sõida nagu PRO võistlustel selle nö käed vaba süsteemiga imemistoruga varustatud 1,5L joogivööga. 90cm pikkune imemistoru on kaetud voodriga ning otsik kinnitub rinnale vm spetsiaalse magnetkinnitiga. Korraliku külmaga soovitame siiski puhuda üleliigse vedeliku torust tagasi paaki vältimaks joogi jäätumist. 3 erinevas suuruses lukuga taskut, pehmendused ja helkurid.
Perfect for daily trips, XC skiing, running or roller skiing. The Hydration Waistbag Pro offers space for everything that is absolutely essential for the consumer. Due to the adjustable hip belt and the padded back, you hardly notice the bag. The Waistbag Pro includes a 1.5L hydration system including magnetic fixation and a clip for attaching the water hose to your clothing. Furthermoe it containts 2 large main compartments with key holder and many extra storage compartments with elastic cuffs or zipper.
Weight per piece 120g
Material 100% POLYESTER