Kloorikindel basseinis ujumiseks mõeldud pulsivöö. HRM-Tri pulsivööst erineb laiema vees paremini paigal püsivama kloorikindlama vöö poolest. See pulsivöö salvestab pulsiandmeid, st kui ei oma ühendust pulsikellaga (nt vee all), siis salvestab pulsiandmed ja laadib need kella kui saab ühenduse. Samas puudub tal jooksuparameetrite salvestamise võimekus erinevalt HRM-TRI ja HRM-RUN vööst.
Specifically designed for swimmers
Non-slip strap
Stores and forwards heart rate data to compatible devices
Take your training to the next level by pairing HRM-Swim with your Forerunner® 920XT. Specifically designed for use in the pool, the sleek, non-slip strap stays in place, even during wall push-offs. Once you´re out of the water, including when the torso is lifted out of the water mid-session, real-time heart rate, interval summaries and stored heart rate are transmitted to the watch.
Physical Specifications
Unit dimensions (LxWxD): 58.0 - 145.0 x 3.8 x 1.2 cm
Weight: 72 g
Module size: 29.4 x 51.4 x 8.5 mm
Module weight: 51 g
Size adjustment: Bi-fold
Sizing range: 58.0 - 145.0 cm
Battery: CR2032
Battery life: 18 months (swimming 3 hours per week)
Water rating: 5 ATM
ANT+® heart rate: yes
Supports heart rate variability and advanced heart rate features: yes
2.4 GHz ANT wireless communication protocol: yes
Running dynamics: yes
Stores and forwards heart rate: yes
Swim interval heart rate statistics: yes
Non-slip design for pool swimming: yes
Pool chemical resistent: yes