Лыжные палки REX ROAD SPORT 175cm

Tootekood: RXRS-175
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Лыжные палки REX ROAD SPORT 175cm
NB! VAJADUSEL TEEME LÜHEMAKS. Käepidemest logodeni 17cm (=158cm), ent saab veel lühemaks teha. Veebist tellides märgi vajalik pikkus ostukorvi Märkuste väljale. Tippkeppide kaalule lähenevad (67 g/m) 80% süsinikusisaldusega vastupidava Sandvik terasotsiku ja HiViz helkurdetailidega kepid rullsuusatamiseks. Toru diameeter 16/10 mm. Must/kollane HiViz disain harmoneerub hästi FISCHER´i ja SWENOR´i musta/kollaste rullsuuskadega ning ühtlasi olete silmapaistvam liikluses, eriti pimedal ajal. Asendades asfaldiotsiku 10mm lumekulbiga (+15€) kasutatavad ka talvel lumel suusatades. P.S. 100% süsinikust keppide puhul on oht pikematel (paaristõuke)treeningutel oma liigestele haiget teha kuna asfalt on tunduvalt kõvem pinnas kui lumi ;). Õhukeste ja jäikade torudega tippkeppide puhul on ka oht need asfaldil mikropraguliseks ehk pehmeks sõita. Võrdluseks enamik alla 100€ harrastaja keppide toru kaal 80-100 g/m ning üle 300€ maksvate proffide poolt kasutatavad kepitorud 50-60 g/m. Rex Road Sport poles are an excellent choice for athletes who actively use roller skis. They are designed for roller skis and inline skating on hard surfaces. The handles of the poles are made of 80% carbon fibers, 20% of their content is glass fibers. The bright yellow color of the handles increases the visibility of the user on the road. Reflective prints increase safety when driving in the dark. The poles feature sports grips with natural cork cladding. Belt gloves were sewn separately for the left and right hands. Velcro strap allows you to adjust their volume to the size of your hand. The poles come in the factory with straps of the following sizes: M / L - for poles from 145 cm to 175 cm long The Rex Road Sport model is equipped with tips with hard Sadvik steel. They allow for firm support on all hard surfaces, including asphalt and natural ground. Small plates integrated with the tips prevent them from falling into, for example, a hole in the road, or collapsing in a muddy area. Alternatively, the poles are compatible with widia tips with a hole diameter of 10 mm.